Hello World

October 22, 2017

Hello World. Hello reader! I’m Dan and welcome to my site. This is my first blog post (as you may have figured out from the title). With this post I’d like to welcome you as a reader and I hope that I will be able to provide interesting posts for you to read. I’m a developer creating iOS applications, and I have been doing that ever since Apple announced the programming language Swift back in 2014. I intend to focus my blogposts about Swift and iOS development, but will probably have a lot of things to say about programming in general. This will probably also work as my personal blog, so random things might show up too :)

Another reason for creating this page is because I’d like to get better at Javascript and React. Why? I believe ReactNative is a viable alternative to development of some types of native iOS applictions (with the added bonus of being able to re-use a lot of the code for Android). Hopefully the time spent on making this homepage in ReactJS will have a positive impact on my knowledge in Javascript/Web and ReactNative. I still love Swift, but the React way of having things as components is something I really like that I feel is missing in the Cocoa Framework.

Anyways, to end this post I’ll add a small code snippet on how to print “Hello World” in Swift vs Javascript! Enjoy! ;P

// Swift
print("Hello World")
// Javascript
console.log("Hello World")

Author: Dan Isacson